Foto: Deedee Sun/Twitter |
2019. gada 27. aprīlī Sietlā (Vašingtona, ASV) celtnis nogāžas uz braucamās daļas, nodarot postījumus sešām automašīnām un nolaupot dzīvību četriem cilvēkiem. Divi no bojā gājušajiem ir celtņa operatori, bet pārēji autovadītāji.
Smagus ievainojumus guva četri cilvēki, bet vēl trīs, to skaitu četrus mēnešus vecs bērns, guva vieglus ievainojumus. Pie tam sievietei ar bērnu ārkārtīgi paveicās, jo viņi bija iespiesti mašīnā, bet palikuši dzīvi.
Avots: CNNVideo: You can see four cars crushed by two different pieces of the crane. It fell off of the roof of a new @google building that’s still being constructed.— Deedee Sun (@DeedeeKIRO7) April 27, 2019
People here say it felt like an earthquake. @KIRO7Seattle
The incident at Fairview Ave N and involved a crane that fell into traffic. 5 cars were crushed. There are a total of 4 fatalities, and 3 injured patients that have been transferred to the hospital.— Seattle Fire Dept. (@SeattleFire) April 27, 2019
UPDATE: A witness tells me the crane was swinging in the wind and crews were in the process disassembling it when there was another gust — and this crane crashed, killing 4 people. @KIRO7Seattle— Deedee Sun (@DeedeeKIRO7) April 28, 2019
A smaller crane brought in to remove pieces of the #Seattlecrane that collapsed and killed 4 people.— Deedee Sun (@DeedeeKIRO7) April 28, 2019
Mercer & Fairview area could be closed into Sunday evening. @KIRO7Seattle
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