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Foto: Brandon Lewis/Twitter |
2019. gada 27. aprīlī jaunietis iegājis Povejas pilsētas (Kalifornija, ASV) sinagogā un atklāja apšaudi, nogalinot sievieti un ievainojot trīs cilvēkus, no kuriem viens ir bērns.
Deviņpadsmit gadus vecais students Džons Earnest, pirms uzbrukuma Internetā publicējis 4000 zīmju manifestu, kurā izteica savu naidu pret ebrejiem un musulmaņiem, ka arī atbalstu baltiem nacionālistiem. Manifestā viņš solīja raidīt tiešraidi no apšaudes, bet video Internetā neparādījās. Facebook ir bloķējusi uzbrucēja profilu.
Policija aizturējusi uzbrucēju dažus kvartālus no uzbrukuma vietas. Teroristam nācās pamest uzbrukuma vietu, jo ārpus dienesta esošais ASV robežsardzes aģents, kurš apsargāja sinagogu, atklāja šaušanu uz to. Lieldienu dievkalpojuma laikā sinagogā atradās ap 100 cilvēki.
Savā manifestā terorists uzrakstījis, ka viņu iedvesmoja balto rasistu sarīkotās apšaudes “Tree of Life” sinagogā un Kraistčērčas mošejā (Jaunzēlandē).
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1 Killed, 3 Injured In Shooting At Poway Synagogue; Gunman in Custody😥😥😥— justmesoaj (@justmesoaj) April 27, 2019
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Know this area well.
Close to home. My children went to school in the area of Poway. #so tragic pic.twitter.com/qBy4tZY3S3
#UPDATE. Scene out front of Chabad Community Center in #Poway following #synagogueshooting @FOXLA pic.twitter.com/WWehEUJe2q— Matt Johnson (@MattJohnsonNEWS) April 27, 2019
JUST IN: Sheriff confirms John Earnest, 19, is the accused mass shooter, killing a woman and wounding 3 others in a shooting at the Chabad of Poway in California. Earnest is a self-proclaimed white supremacist. pic.twitter.com/fqB3J70tO1— Daily Hourly (@dailyhourly) April 28, 2019
SDPD and SD Sheriff's Dept investigating vehicle possibly involved in Poway shooting that has a bullet hole near the driver's door. pic.twitter.com/Jven22aEzL— Brandon Lewis (@BrandonNews8) April 27, 2019
Neighbors say SWAT waiting to serve a search warrant on Rancho Peñasquitos home that could be connected to the Chabad Community Center shooting. @10News pic.twitter.com/W2dPBme1Of— Cassie Carlisle (@ReporterCassie) April 27, 2019
Suspect in Poway shooting arrested on Rancho Bernardo Rd. Suspect called 911 to say he was involved in a shooting. SDPD officer responding to scene spotted his car and suspect got out with hands up. Current being interviewed by investigators. pic.twitter.com/t96f1by8Cz— Brandon Lewis (@BrandonNews8) April 27, 2019
— 𝕋𝕙𝕠𝕣 𝕓𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕤 ୧ʕ•̀ᴥ•́ʔ୨ (@thorbites) April 27, 2019
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